Reelmaster 5010 SeriesPage 5 -- 42Electrical System
High Temperature Shutdown Switch
The hightemperature shutdownswitch islocated onthe
water pump housing (Fig. 55). The high temperature
shutdown switch is normally open and closes when en-
gine coolanttemperature reaches approximately239
C). When excessive coolant temperature causes
the shutdown switch to close, the engine shuts down.
There is a tan wire attached to the shutdown s witch.
NOTE: If excessive coolant temperature causes en-
gine shutdown,theoperator can restart theengine toal-
low the machine to be moved a short distance. After a
restart in this c ondition, the engine will run for approxi-
mately 10seconds beforethe engineshuts downagain.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) monitors the op-
eration of the high temperature shutdown switch. The
switch andits circuit wiringshould betested asan ECM
input withthe DiagnosticDisplay (seeSpecial Toolsand
Troubleshooting in this chapter).
If excessive coolant temperature caused the ECM to
shut down the engine, the Diagnostic light can be used
to identify the fault (see Diagnostic Light in the Trouble-
shooting section of this chapter).
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, apply parking brake and remove key from
ignition switch. Open hood to gain access to engine.
Make sure engine is cool before removing the
temperature switch from engine.
2. Lowerthe coolantlevel inthe engineand removethe
high temperature shutdown switch from the engine.
3. Put the end of the switch in a container of oil with a
thermometer and slowly heat the oil (Fig. 56).
Handle the hot oil with extreme care to prevent
personal injury or fire.
4. Check resistance of the switch with a multimeter
(ohms setting) as the oil temperature increases. The
hightemperature shutdownswitch isnormally openand
should close from 234
to 244
to 118
5. Replace shutdown switch if specifications are not
6. After testing is complete, install shutdown switch to
the engine housing.
A. Clean threads of housing and switch thoroughly.
Apply thread sealant to the threads of the switch.
B. Thread switch into the housing. Torque switch
from 22 to 28 ft--lb (30 to 39 N--m).
C. Reconnect harness wire to s witch.
7. Fill engine cooling system.
8. Lower and secure hood.
1. High temperature switch
Figure 55
Figure 56