Rev. B
Reelmaster 5010 SeriesPage 5 -- 32Electrical System
Joystick Raise and Lower Switches
Twomicro switchesfor the joystickare locatedon the lift
control that is attached to the control arm. The rear
switch on the control is used to lower (and engage) the
cutting units and the front switch to raise (and disen-
gage) them. A normally open contact in the switch
closes when the joystick is positioned to either lower or
nector to make sure the normally closed contact on the
switch is not used. The raise switch has yellow/black
and black harness wires connected to it and the lower
switch has orange and black harness wires connected
to it.
1. Before disconnecting the joystick switches for test-
ing,thes witches andtheircircuit wiringshouldbetested
as an ECM input with the Diagnostic Display (see Diag-
nostic Display in the Troubleshooting section of this
2. If the Diagnostic Display verifies that the joystick
switches and circuit wiring are functioning correctly, no
further switch testing is necessary.
3. If the Diagnostic Display determines that either joys-
tick switch andcircuit wiring arenot functioning correct-
ly, test joystick switches as follows:
A. Remove control arm covers to gain access to
joystick switches (see Control Arm Disassembly in
the Service and Repairs section of this chapter).
B. Make sure ignition switch is in the OFF position.
C. Disconnectharnesselectricalconnector fromthe
raise or lower switch that is to be tested (Fig. 39).
D. Connect a multimeter (ohms setting) across the
normally open (NO) and common terminals of the
switch (Fig. 40).
E. With the joystick in the neutral (center) position,
there should be no continuity across the switch ter-
F. Move and hold the joystick to activate the switch
being tested. There should be continuity across the
switch terminals.
G. If joystick switch is faulty, replace switch.
H. If the joystick switch tests correctly and a circuit
problem still exists, check wire harness (see Wiring
Schematic andCircuit Drawingsin Chapter9 -- Elec-
trical Diagrams).
I. Connect harnesselectrical connector to thejoys-
tick switch.
J. Install control arm covers to machine (see Con-
of this chapter).
1. Joystick
2. Lower switch
3. Raise switch
Figure 39
1. NO terminal
2. Common terminal
3. NC terminal (not used)
4. Switch lever
Figure 40