Reelmaster 5010 SeriesPage 5 -- 46Electrical System
Service and Repairs
NOTE: See the Kubota Workshop Manual: 05 Series
Engine for engine electrical component repair informa-
Battery Storage
If the machine will be stored for more than 30 days:
1. Remove the battery from the machine and charge it
fully (see Battery Service).
2. Either store battery on a shelf or on the machine.
3. Leavecables disconnected ifthe batteryis storedon
the machine.
4. Storebattery ina cool atmospheretoavoid quick de-
terioration of the battery charge.
5. To helpprevent the battery from freezing,make sure
it is fully charged (see Battery Service).
Battery Care
1. Battery electrolyte level must be properly main-
tained. The top of the battery must be kept clean. lf the
machine is stored in a location where temperatures are
extremely high, the battery will discharge more rapidly
than ifthe machine isstored in alocation where temper-
atures are cool.
Wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when
working with electrolyte. Charge battery in a
well ventilated place so gasses produced
while charging can dissipate. Since the gases
are explosive, keep open flames and electrical
sparks away from the battery; do not smoke.
Nausea mayresultif thegases areinhaled.Un-
plug charger from electrical outlet before con-
necting or disconnecting charger leads to or
from battery posts.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove battery fill caps while
2. Check battery condition weekly or after every 50
hours of operation. Keep terminals and entire battery
case cleanbecause a dirtybattery will dischargeslowly.
A. Clean batteryby washing entire case with asolu-
tionofbakingsodaandwater.Rinsewith clearwater.
B. Coat battery posts and cable connectors with
Battery TerminalProtector (ToroPart No.107--0392)
or petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
3. Battery cables must be tight on terminals to provide
good electrical contact.
Connecting battery cables to the wrong bat-
tery post could result in personal injury and/or
damage to the electrical system.
4. If corrosion occurs at terminals, disconnect cables.
Always disconnect negative (--) cable first. Clean
clamps and terminals separately. Reconnect cables
with positive(+) cablefirst. Coatbattery posts andcable
connectors with Battery Terminal Protector (Toro Part
No. 107--0392) or petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
5. Check electrolyte level every 25 operating hours,
and every 30 days if machine is in storage.
6. Maintain celllevel with distilled ordemineralized wa-
ter. Do not fill cells above the fill line.