Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 51
4. Raise and prop operator seat to allow access to hy-
draulic pump.
5. Thoroughly clean both ends of the hydraulic tube
that connects gear pump (P4) outlet (Fig. 47) and lift
control manifold P4 port. Remove hydraulic tube. Ac-
cess to hydraulic tube at lift control manifold can be ob-
tained from below the machine.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the oil flow indicator
arrow on the flow meter is showing that the oil will
flow from pump (P4), through the tester and to the
lift control manifold.
6. Install tester with pressure gauges and flow meter in
place of the removed hydraulic tube. Connect tester in-
let hose to the pump fitting. Connect the tester outlet
hose to the lift control manifold fitting. Make sure the
flow control valve on tester is fully open.
7. Makesure thatthe traction pedalisin neutralandthe
parking brake is engaged.
8. Startengine and runat idle speed.Check for any hy-
draulic leakage from test connections and correct be-
fore proceeding with test.
9. Move throttle to full speed (3200 RPM).Usea
tachometer to verify that engine speed is correct.
IMPORTANT: The gear pump is a positive displace-
ment type. If pump flow is completely restricted or
stopped, damage to the pump, tester or other com-
ponents could occur.
10.While carefully watching pressure gauges, slowly
closethetester flowcontrolvalveuntil1000 PSI(69bar)
is obtained on gauge.
condition should have a flow of approximately 3
GPM (11.4 LPM) at 1000 PSI (69 bar).
11.Open the tester flow control valve, stop engine and
record test results.
12.If flow is less than 2.5 GPM (9.6 LPM) or a pressure
of 1000 PSI (69 bar) cannot be obtained, consider that
a pumpproblem exists. Check for restriction in pump in-
take line. If intake is not restricted, remove gear pump
and repair or replace pump as necessary (see Gear
Pump in the Service and Repairs section of this chap-
NOTE: Iftheflowfromgearpump(P4)islow,theopera-
tion of all lift cylinders will be affected.
13.After testing is completed, make sure that engine is
stopped, then relieve hydraulic system pressure (See
Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure in the General In-
formation sectionof thischapter). Connectremoved hy-
draulic tube to gear pump (P4) outlet and lift control
manifold P4 port.
14.Lower and secure operator seat.
1. Gear Pump (P4) 2. Hydraulic tube
Figure 47