Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 45
Before openinghydraulic system, operateall hy-
draulic controls to relieve system pressure and
avoid injury from pressurized hydraulic oil. See
Relieving HydraulicSystemPressure inthe Gen-
eral Information section of this chapter.
NOTE: Thereel motorsare connectedin series.Toiso-
late a faulty motor, all motors in the circuit may have to
be tested by starting with the upstream motor first.
5. Forreel motortobe tested,thoroughly cleanjunction
of the motor case drain hose (small diameter hose)
where it connects to traction unit bulkhead (not at the
motor)(Fig.42).Disconnectthecase drainhoseandput
a steel cap on the fitting at the traction unit. Leave the
case drain hose from the motor open and place open
end of disconnected hose into a drain pan.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the oil flow indicator
arrow on the flow gauge is showing that the oil will
flow from the reelmotor, through the tester andinto
the return hose.
6. On reelmotor to betested, thoroughly cleanjunction
of hydraulic return hose (rear hose) and reel motor fit-
ting. Disconnect return hose from the motor. Install tes-
ter with pressure gauges and flow meter in series with
themotoranddisconnected returnhose.Makesurethe
flow control valve on tester is fully open.
7. Set reel speed control to the full speed position.
Make sure Mow/Backlaplever is in the “Mow” position.
NOTE: Use a graduated container, special tool
TOR4077, to measure case drain leakage (Fig. 41).
8. Startengine and runat idle speed.Check for any hy-
draulic leakage from test connections and correct be-
fore proceeding with test.
Cuttingunit reelswillrotate whenperformingthe
motor efficiency test. Keep away from cutting
units during test to prevent personal injury from
rotating reel blades. Do not stand in f ront of the
9. Sit on seat and move throttle to full speed (3200
RPM). Press PTO switch to ON. Move ”Lower-Mow/
Raise” lever forward to engage cutting units.
10.While watching pressure gauges, slowly close flow
control valve on tester until a pressure of 1200 PSI (83
bar) is obtained.
11.After achieving 1200 PSI (83 bar), place discon-
nected motor case drain hose into a container gra-
duatedin ouncesor milliliters(e.g.Toro #TOR4077)and
collect hydraulic fluid for 15 seconds. After 15 sec-
onds, remove hose end from container. Then move the
PTO switch to OFF, open the tester flow control valve
and stop the engine.
12.Identify amount of oil collected in the container. R e-
cord test results.
For Reelmaster 5210 and 5410 machines, if flow
was greater than 16.0 ounces (473 milliliters) (.5
GPM/1.9 LPM), repair or replace the tested reel
motor (see CuttingReel MotorServicein theService
and Repairs section of this chapter).
For Reelmaster 5510 and 5610 machines, if flow
was greater than 22.4 ounces (662 milliliters) (.7
GPM/2.6 LPM), repair or replace the tested reel
motor (see CuttingReel MotorServicein theService
and Repairs section of this chapter).
If flowis lessthan thelisted specifications, the tested
motor does not have excessive leakage.
13.After testing is completed, make sure that engine is
stopped, then relieve hydraulic system pressure (See
Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure in the General In-
formation section of this chapter). Disconnect tester
from motor and return hose. Connect return hose to the
reel motor. Remove plug from machine fitting and con-
nect case drain hose to the fitting.
14.If necessary, perform motor efficiency test on other
reel motors.
1. Case drain hose 2. Bulkhead fitting
Figure 42