Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 33
Before openinghydraulic system, operateall hy-
draulic controls to relieve system pressure and
avoid injury from pressurized hydraulic oil. See
Relieving HydraulicSystemPressure inthe Gen-
eral Information section of this chapter.
5. Thoroughly c lean ends of hydraulic tubes that con-
nect to the oil filter (Fig. 29).Disconnect hydraulic tubes
from oil filter adapter. Remove two (2) flange head
screwsthatsecure oilfilteradapter toframeandremove
oil filter and adapter assembly from machine.
6. Install tee fitting with 1000 PSI (70 bar) pressure
gauge in placeof the removed hydraulic filterassembly.
7. Make sure that traction pedal is in neutral, the steer-
ing wheel is stationary and parking brake is engaged.
8. Startengine and runat idle speed.Check for any hy-
draulic leakage from test connections and correct be-
fore proceeding with test.
9. Place throttle to full speed (3200 RPM) and monitor
pressure gauge on tester to determine no load charge
pressure. Record test results.
GAUGEREADINGTOBEapproximately 200 to
250 PSI (13.8 to 17.2 bar)
10.Next, determinecharge pressureundertraction load
byoperatingthemachinein adirectforwardandreverse
direction (not steering). Make sure that engine is run-
ning at full speed (3200 RPM). Apply the brakes and
pressthe tractionpedalinthe forwarddirection andthen
to reverse while monitoring the pressure gauge. Stop
engine and record test results.
GAUGEREADINGTOBEapproximately 150 to
250 PSI (13.8 to 17.2 bar)
11.Compare measured charge pressure from step 9
with pressure from step 10:
A. Ifcharge pressure isgood under noload (step9),
but drops below specification when under traction
load (step10), the pistonpump should besuspected
of wear and inefficiency. When the pump is w orn or
damaged, the charge system is notable to replenish
losttraction circuitoildueto excessiveleakageinthe
worn pump.
B. If there is no charge pressure, or pressure is low,
check for restrictioningear pumpintake line.Inspect
charge relief valve and valve seat in the traction
pump(see TractionPumpService intheServiceand
Repairs section of this chapter). Also, consider a
worn or damaged gear pump (P3) (see Gear Pump
(P3) Flow Test in this section).
NOTE: If gear pump (P3) is worn or damaged, both
charge circuit and steering circuit will be affected.
12.After charge pressure testing is completed, make
sure that engine is not running and then relieve hydrau-
lic system pressure (See Relieving Hydraulic System
Pressure in the General Information section of this
chapter). Remove pressure gauge and tee fitting from
hydraulic tubes. Install oil filter to machine.
13.Lower and secure operator seat.
1. Hydraulic tube
2. Oil filter / filter adapter
3. Hydraulic tube
Figure 29
1. Traction pump
2. Plug
3. O--ring
4. Shim kit
5. Spring
6. Charge relief poppet
Figure 30