Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 3
General Information
Traction Unit Operator’s Manual
The Traction Unit Operator’s Manual provides informa-
tion regarding the operation, general maintenance and
maintenance intervals for your Reelmaster machine.
Refer to that publication for additional information when
servicing the machine.
Check Hydraulic Fluid
The hydraulic system on Reelmaster 5010 series ma-
chines is designed to operate on high quality hydraulic
fluid. The hydraulic system reservoir holds approxima-
tely 11 gallons (41.6 liters) of hydraulic fluid.Check lev-
elof hydraulicfluiddaily.SeeTractionUnitOperator’s
Manual for fluid level checking procedure and hydraulic
oil recommendations.
1. Hydraulic reservoir cap
Figure 1
Towing Traction Unit
IMPORTANT: If towing limits are exceeded, severe
damage to the piston (traction) pump may occur.
If itbecomes necessaryto towor push themachine, tow
or pushat a speedbelow 3 mph(4.8 kph), andfor a very
short distance.If themachine needsto be moveda con-
siderable distance,machine should betransported on a
trailer. The piston (traction) pump is equipped with a by-
passvalve thatneedstobe loosenedfortowingor push-
ing (Fig. 2). See Traction Unit Operator ’s Manual for
Towing Procedures.
1. Piston (traction) pump 2. Bypass valve
Figure 2