Reelmaster 5010 Series GroomerPage 8 -- 11
Installation (Fig. 8)
1. Position cutting unit on a level surface. If cutting unit
isattachedtotraction unit,makesuretostopengine,en-
gage parking brake and remove key from the ignition
2. Applya light coatingof greaseto seal lipsin groomer
plate assemblies.
3. Make sure that excluder seals (item 23) and o--ring
(item 24)are positioned ongroomer shaft. Theexcluder
seal lips should be toward the end of the groomer shaft.
Apply a film of grease onto seal lip.
4. Carefully slide the groomer reel into the non--drive
side groomer plateassembly taking care not todamage
seals in groomer plate assembly.
5. Carefully install groomer plate assembly to groomer
reeland groomerdrive sideof cuttingunit (seeGroomer
Plate Assembly Installation in this section).
6. Check that excluder seals just touch groomer plate
assembly (Fig. 10). Reposition excluder seals on
groomer shaft if necessary.
7. Checkgroomerreelheightandmowerheight--of--cut
settings. Adjust as needed.
8. Lubricate groomer bearings.
NOTE: After greasing groomer bearings, operate
groomer for30seconds, stopmachine andwipe excess
grease from groomer shaft and seals.
1. Cap screw
2. Flange nut
3. Front roller
Figure 9
1. Groomer plate 2. Excluder seal
Figure 10