Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 19
40 GPM Hydraulic Tester (Pressure and Flow)
Toro Part Number: AT40002
Use to test hydraulic circuits and components for flow
andpressure capacitiesasrecommendedin theTesting
1. LOAD VALVE: A simulated working load is created
in the circuit by turning the valve to restrict flow.
2. PRESSURE GAUGE: Glycerine filled 0 to 5000 PSI
gauge to provide operating circuit pressure.
3. FLOW METER: This meter measures actual oil flow
in the operating circuit with a gauge rated from 4 to 40
GPM (20 to 150 LPM).
NOTE: Thistesterdoesnotincludehoses(seeHydrau-
lic Hose Kit TOR6007 below).
Figure 16
Hydraulic Hose Kit
Toro Part Number: TOR6007
GPM hydraulic tester (AT40002) or high flow hydraulic
Figure 17
O--Ring Kit
Toro Part Number: 16--3799
Thekitincludes O--ringsina varietyofsizesforface seal
and port seal hydraulic connections. It is recommended
that O--rings be replaced whenevera hydraulic connec-
tion is loosened.
Figure 18