Reelmaster 5010 Series Page 3 -- 5 Kubota Diesel Engine
Adjust Throttle Control
Proper throttle operation is dependent upon proper ad-
justment of throttle control. Make sure t hrottle control is
operating pr operly.
NOTE: The throttle cable swivel should be positioned
in the lowest hole in the speed c ontrol lever.
1. Move throttle control lever on control console to
FAST position.
2. Check pos ition of the engine speed control lever on
fuel injection pump. The speed control lever should be
contacting the high speed screw when the throttle con-
trol lev er is in the FAST position.
3. If necessary, throttle control can beadjusted by loos-
eningcable clampscrew andrepositioning control cable
until speed control lever contacts high speed screw
when the throttle control lever is in the FAST position.
T ighten cable clamp screw after adjustment has been
Figure 1
1. Throttle cable
2. High speed screw
3. Speed control lever
4. Swivel
5. Cable clamp
Kubota Diesel