Reelmaster 5010 Series
Cutting Units (Rev. C)
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Figure 1
Frame Construction:Precision machineddie cast alu-
minum cross member with two bolt --on cast ductile iron
side plates.
Reel Construction: Reels are 22 inches (55.9 cm.) in
length and are available in 5 inch (12.7 cm) and 7 inch
(17.8 c m) diameters. High strength, low alloy steel
blades are thru hardened and impact resistant. 5 inch
reelshave8blades and7inchreels areavailableinboth
8 and 11 blade configurations.
ings pressfit onto reelshaft with inboardseal for protec-
tion. Reel bearing adjustment is maintained by an
adjuster nut in the left side plate of the cutting unit.
Reel Drive: The reel weldment shaft is a 1 5/16 inch
(33.3 mm)diametertube withdrive insertsthreadedinto
both ends. The drive inserts for 5 inch reels have an in-
ternaleighttooth spline.Thedriveinsertsfor7 inchreels
have an internal nine tooth spline.
Height--of--Cut (HOC): Cutting height is adjusted on
the front roller by two vertical screws. Effective HOC
may vary dependingonturf conditions,typeof bedknife,
roller type and installed attachments.
Bedknife: Replaceable, high carbon steel EdgeMax
bedknifeis fastenedtoamachined castironbedbar with
8 screws. Optional bedknives are available.
Bedknife Adjustment: Dual screw adjustment to the
reel; detents corresponding to 0.0009 inch (0.023 mm)
bedknife movement for each indexed position.
FrontandRearRollers: Greasablethrough--shaftfront
and rearrollers areused with these cuttingunits. Allroll-
ers use the same heavy duty ball bearings with Toro’s
patented labyrinth seal design.
Counterbalance Weight: A cast iron weight mounted
opposite to the hydraulic drive motor balances the c ut-
ting unit.
Cutting Unit Weight:
8 Blade, 5” reel 112lb.(51kg)
8 Blade, 7” reel 145 lb. (66 kg)
11 Blade, 7” reel 151 lb. (69 kg)
tions for your Reelmaster cutting unit.