Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 47
Procedure for Reel Drive Motor Cross--Over
1. Make sure hydraulic oil is at normal operating tem-
perature by operating the machine under load for
approximately ten (10) minutes.
2. Determine which reel motor is malfunctioning.
3. Parkmachine ona levelsurfacewiththecuttingunits
loweredand PTOs witch off.Make sureengine isoffand
mow/transport lever is in mow. Apply the parking brake.
4. Read Precautions For Hydraulic Testing in this sec-
Before openinghydraulic system, operateall hy-
draulic controls to relieve system pressure and
avoid injury from pressurized hydraulic oil. See
Relieving HydraulicSystemPressure inthe Gen-
eral Information section of this chapter.
NOTE: Thereel motorsare connectedin series.Toiso-
late a faulty motor, all motors in the circuit may have to
be testedby startingwith theupstream motor(closest to
the pump) first.
5. On reelmotor to betested, thoroughly cleanjunction
of motor inlet and outlet fittings and hydraulic hoses.
Loosen and remove both hoses from fittings. Install a
tee fitting with a 5000 PSI (350 bar) pressure gauge be-
tween fitting and hose for both motor inlet and outlet
(Fig. 44).
6. On the hydraulic mow control manifold, set reel
speedcontrol tothe fullspeedposition.Make sureMow/
Backlap lever is in the “Mow” position.
7. With cutting units in lowered position and engine
OFF, insert a block of wood between cutting unit reel
blades and carrier frame of cutting unit being tested to
prevent reel from turning (Fig. 43).
8. Startengine andrun atlow idlespeed. Checkfor any
hydraulic leakagefrom test connectionsand correctbe-
fore proceeding with test.
Adjacent cutting unit reels will rotate when per-
forming the cross--over relief test. Keep away
from cutting units during test to prevent person -
alinjuryfromrotatingreelblades. Donotstandin
front of the machine.
9. One person should sit on the seat and operate the
machine while another person closely monitors both
pressure gauges connected to the reel motor. Make
sure that engine speed is at low idle position (1200
RPM) and press PTO switch to ON. Move “Lower-Mow/
Raise” lever forward to engage the cutting units.
10.There should be a slight hesitation in pressure in-
crease on the inlet side of motor as the c ross over relief
valve opens. Once the relief valve is open, there will be
a pressure differential between the gauges on the inlet
and outlet side of the motor. Note and record this pres-
sure difference which should be:
Pressure differential between the two gauges
should be approximately 1800 PSI (124 bar)
11.Disengage the cutting units and stop the engine. If
the measured pressure differential is not approximately
1800 PSI (124 bar), the cross-over relief valves on the
tested motor may be leaking or damaged. Inspect relief
valves in the r eel motor (see Reel Motor Service in the
Service and Repairs section of this chapter).
12.After testing is completed, make sure that engine is
stopped,then relievecutting unithydraulicsystem pres-
sure (see Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure in the
General Information section of this chapter). Remove
hydraulic hoses to reel motor fittings.
13.If necessary, test other reel motors.
1. Hydraulic reel motor
2. Reel motor inlet hose
3. Reel motor outlet hose
Figure 44