Reelmaster 5010 Series
Cutting Units (Rev. C)
Page 7 -- 27
C. To install spline insert into cutting reel, clean
threads of insert and cutting reel shaft. Apply Loctite
#242 (or equivalent) to threads of insert, thread in-
sertinto reelshaft andtorquefrom 85to95 ft-lb(115
to 128 N --m).
Assembly of Cutting Reel (Fig. 28)
1. If seals and/or bearings were removed from r eel
shaft, discard removed components and replace.
2. Make sure that the two (2) retaining rings are fully
seated into the grooves on the cutting reel shaft.
3. If bearings and seals were removed from reel shaft:
A. Make sure that bore of seals are clean with no
grease or lubricant applied to ID of seal.
IMPORTANT: The grease seal should be
installed so the metal side of the seal is toward
the bearing location.
B. Pressgreaseseals ontoreelshaftwithmetalside
orientated toward bearing location. Final position of
sealshouldbeflushto 0.060”(1.5mm)awayfromre-
taining ring on reel shaft. Do not force seal against
retaining ring. Seal must be perpendicular to reel
shaft after installation.
C. Pack replacement reel bearings with Mobil High
Temperature HP grease (or equivalent).
D. Press grease packed bearings fully onto reel
shaft.Bearingsshouldbottom onreelshaftshoulder.
Press equally on inner and outer bearing race w hen
installing bearings onto reel shaft.
4. Pack bore of reel shaft w ith Mobil High Temperature
HP (or equivalent) grease.