Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 49
5. Thoroughly clean test port (G4) on lift control man-
ifold. Accessto test portcan be obtained frombelow the
sure gauge to test port.
6. After installing pressure gauge to manifold test port,
ceeding with test.
7. Move throttle to full speed (3200 RPM).
IMPORTANT: Do not allow pressure to exceed 2500
PSI (172 bar).
IMPORTANT: While performing this test, hold Low-
er -- Mow/Raise lever in the raise position only long
enough to get a system pressure reading. Holding
the lever in raise for an extended period may dam-
age system components.
8. MakesurethatPTOswitchisOFFand thenpullLow-
er -- Mow/Raise lever rearward to pressurize lift circuit.
While holding lever in the raise (rearward) position,
watchpressure gaugecarefully. As thecutting unitsfully
raiseandthelift reliefvalvelifts,systempressureshould
Approximately 2000 PSI (138 bar)
9. Return the Lower -- Mow/Raise lever to the neutral
position and stop the engine.
10.If measured pressure is incorrect, remove solenoid
relief valve (SVRV) on lift c ontrol manifold and clean or
replace valve (see Lift Control Manifold Service in the
Service and Repairs section of this chapter). Also, if
pressure islow, check for restriction in pump intake line.
Internal liftcylinder leakagewould also causelow liftcir-
cuit pressure (see Lift Cylinder Internal Leakage Test in
this section). Gear pump (P4) could also be suspected
of wear, damage or inefficiency.
11.After testing is completed, make sure that engine is
stopped, then relieve hydraulic system pressure (See
Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure in the General In-
formation section of this chapter). Disconnect pressure
gauge from lift control manifold test port.