Reelmaster 5010 Series
Cutting Units (Rev. C)
Page 7 -- 34
Roller Service (Greasable Bearings with Bearing Nut)
Disassembly (Fig. 34)
1. Remove bearing lock nut from each end of roller
2. Loosely s ecure roller assembly in bench vise and
lightly tap one end of roller shaft until outer seals and
bearing are removed from opposite end of roller tube.
Removesecond setofouter sealsandbearing fromroll-
er tube by tapping on opposite end of shaft. Remove
shaft from roller tube.
3. Carefully remove inner seal from both ends of roller
tube taking care to not damage tube surfaces.
4. Discard removed seals and bearings.
5. Cleanroller shaftandall surfaceson theinside ofthe
roller tube. Inspect components for wear or damage.
Also, carefully inspect seating surface and threads of
bearing lock nuts. Replace all damaged components.
Assembly (Fig. 34)
1. Install inner seals into roller tube making sure that
seal lip (and garter spring) faces end of tube. Use inner
ly seat seals against roller shoulder (Fig. 35). Apply a
smallamountofgreasearoundthelip ofbothinnerseals
after installation.
IMPORTANT: During assembly process, frequently
check that bearings rotate freely and do not bind. If
any binding is detected, consider component re-
moval and reinstallation.
2. Install new bearing and outer seals into one end of
roller tube:
A. Positiona newbearing intoone endofroller tube.
Use bearing/outer seal tool (see Special Tools) with
asoft facehammerto fully seatbearingagainstroller
shoulder (Fig. 36). After bearing installation, make
sure that it rotates freely with no binding.
B. Apply a small amount of grease around the lip of
both outer seals.
C. Install first outer seal into roller tube making sure
that seal lip (and garter spring) faces end of tube.
Use bearing/outer seal tool (see Special Tools) and
soft face hammer to lightly seat seal against roller
shoulder (Fig. 37). Make sure that bearing still freely
rotates after seal installation.
D. Using the same process, install second outer
sealmakingsuretonotcrushtheinstalledouter seal.
Again, make sure that bearing still freely rotates.
1. Roller tube
2. Roller shaft
3. Inner seal
4. Bearing
5. Outer seal
6. Bearing lock nut
7. Set screw
Figure 34
50 to 60 ft--lb
Loctite #242
1. Roller tube
2. Inner seal
3. Inner seal tool
Figure 35
1. Roller tube
2. Inner seal
3. Bearing
4. Washer
5. Bearing/outer seal tool
Figure 36