HTC DREA160 Cell Phone User Manual

138 Getting Around with Maps
To change your public profile
1. In Maps, press MENU, touch Latitude, and then touch your contact details
2. Set the following options to your preferences.
Options Description
Show on map See your location on a map.
Change your status Change the status message, which is shared across other Google
products and features, such as Google Talk and Gmail.
After you touch Change your status, type your new status in the
dialog box, and then touch OK.
Change your photo Change the picture, which is also shared across other Google
products and features.
After you touch Change your photo, you can either take a picture
of yourself with the phone or select a picture from Gallery. Refer to
“Using the Camera and Camcorder ” and “Using Gallery” in Chapter 8
for more details.
Edit privacy setting Manage how your location is shared with all your friends. Select one
of the following options:
Detect your location. Let Latitude automatically detect and
update your location as you move around. The update frequency is
determined by several factors, such as your phone’s battery charge
level and how recently your location has changed.
Note: You must have My location sources enabled. To learn how to
enable My location sources, refer to “Using Maps” in this chapter.
Set your location. Manually select a location on the map.
Hide your location. Hide your location from all your friends.
They will not be able to see your location on their maps. You can
also hide your location only to certain individuals.
Turn off Latitude. Disable Latitude and stop sharing. Your friends
cannot see your location. You can always join Latitude again.