
Pocket PC Phone User Manual100
Pocket PC Phone User Manual 101
8. If the phone appears in the My Connections list, skip to step 14. If not, tap New and follow
the remaining steps.
9. In the list, tap the phone and then Next.
10. In PIN, enter a PIN of between 1 and 16 characters, and tap Next.
11. Enter the same PIN on the phone.
12. If you want, in Name, edit the name of the phone.
13. Tap Finish.
14. In the My Connections list, tap the phone, and then Next.
15. Enter the phone number to dial for this connection and tap Next.
16. In User name, Password, and Domain, enter the logon information for this connection
and tap Finish.
17. Start using the program that uses the Bluetooth phone connection; for example Inbox to
send and receive e-mail, or Internet Explorer to browse the Web.
6.8 Wireless Modem
This utility will simulate your device as a wireless modem, and let your PC/Notebook be
connected to a wireless network. Before creating a new modem via selected connection
type, you still need to install the drivers on your PC/Notebook. For more details about
the drivers installation and the minimum requirements of your PC/Notebook, please refer
to Application CD.
1. Tap Start menu > Programs > then tap Wireless Modem.
2. Select a connection type.
3. Connect your device via infrared to a note-book or PC, and then tap Start.
Before you press the Start button, please make sure your device is with a GPRS SIM
card and you have connected this device to your PC/Notebook by IrDA connection and
disabled the Activesync.