
Pocket PC Phone User Manual162
Pocket PC Phone User Manual 163
b) Image tab
Here are the options that affects on still image captures.
Options Function
Prex Type and
Prex String
By default, the lename of each new captured image le will
be “image” followed by a sequential number, for example:
image_00001.jpg. If you wish to change this prex to a
different arbitrary text string, select String in the Prex Type
eld and type the desired characters into the Prex String
eld. For example, entering “party” in the Prex String eld
would produce the lename party_00001.jpg.
Alternatively, you can choose Date or Date and Time as the
Prex Type.
Counter Index By default, sequential numbers are automatically incorporated
into each lename for all new image les you capture, such
as 00001, 00002, 00003, etc. The number follows the prex
(explained above).
To reset the numbering to “00001” for your captured image
les, tap Reset counter.
Save to By default, your captured image les will be saved to your
\My Documents\ folder.