Section 12
70 Personal Information Management
Tip Calculator
The Tip Calculator helps you calculate how much tip to include on a bill.
1. Select Menu → Tools & Games → Tip Calculator.
2. Enter the amount of your bill and press .
3. Select the percentage you want to include as a tip (10%, 15%, 18%,
20%, Other) and press . Your total bill appears, including tip.
4. If you want to split the bill, press right and press to
5. Press to clear the screen.
6. Enter the number of guests and press . The amount each guest is
to pay appears.
Use the calculator for basic mathematical equations.
1. Select Menu → Tools & Games → Calculator.
Use the keypad to enter numbers.
2. Press to select mathematical operations.
÷ Inserts the division character.
- Inserts the subtraction character.
= Performs the “equals” function.
+ Inserts the addition character.
∗ Inserts the multiplication character.
. Inserts the decimal point.
C Clears all numbers entered and displays a zero.
MR Displays the value currently stored in memory.
M+ Adds the displayed digit to the value stored in memory.
MC Clears the value currently stored in memory.
± Changes the sign of the displayed number.
Clears one function or one digit from the screen and
returns the character to digit entry mode. Hold down to
clear all of the digits and operations and display a zero.
Exits the calculator and returns to Standby mode.