
To view new messages received from an N-Gage friend,
scroll to the friend on your friends list, and select
Options > View Message. Read messages are
deleted automatically when you exit N-Gage.
To view game recommendations, select Options >
View Recommendation. Game recommendations are
deleted automatically a week after you receive them.
To send a message to an N-Gage friend, scroll to the
friend on your friends list, and select Options > Send
Message. The maximum size of a private message is
115 characters. To send the message, select Submit.
You need a GPRS, 3G, or wireless LAN connection to be
able to use the messaging feature. Data transfer
charges may apply. For more information, contact your
mobile service provider.
N-Gage settings
To change your N-Gage settings, select Options > Edit
Profile, open the private tab, and select Options > N-
Gage Settings.
Select from the following:
Player Name — Edit you player name. You can only
edit the name if you have not logged into the N-Gage
service yet.
Personal Settings — Define your personal details,
which are not shown in your public profile, and
subscribe to the N-Gage newsletter. Define also
whether you want to receive notifications from your
N-Gage friends while you are playing games.
Connection Settings — Select whether to allow
the N-Gage application to connect to the network
automatically when needed, and define your
preferred access point and the data transfer limit
that triggers an alert.
Account Details — Select your purchase
preferences. When you purchase a game, you are
asked if you want to save your billing details,
including your credit card number, for faster
purchasing in the future.