
Chapter 3 139
Programming Examples
Saving and Recalling Instrument State Data
Saving and Recalling Instrument State Data
This is the C programming example State.c
*Agilent Technologies 2001
*HPE4406A VSA Series Transmitter Tester using VISA for I/O
*This program shows how to save and recall a state of the instrument
*The C program does the following:
*Open session to GPIB device at address 18
*Check opening session success
*Reset the instrument
*Set the input port to the internal 50Mhz reference source
*Zoom the spectrum display
*Tune the analyzer to 50MHZ
*Change the resolution bandwidth
*Change the Y Axis Scale/Div
*Change the display reference level
*Trigger the instrument and wait for it to complete
*Save this state in register 10! Careful this will overwrite register 10
*Display message
*Wait for any key to be pressed
*Reset the instrument
*Set again the input port to the internal 50Mhz reference source
*Display message
*Wait for any key to be pressed
*Recall the state saved in register 10
*Zoom the spectrum display
*Display message
*Wait for any key to be pressed
*Reset the instrument
*Set the instrument to continuous sweep
*Close session