270 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MEASure Group of Commands
2 Returns a series of 5001 floating point numbers (in percent) that represent
the current measured power stat trace. This is the probability at particular
power levels (average power), in the following order:
1. Probability at 0.0 dB power
2. Probability at 0.01 dB power
3. Probability at 0.02 dB power
1. Probability at 49.9 dB power
2. Probability at 50.0 dB power
3 Returns a series of 5001 floating point numbers (in percent) that represent
the Gaussian trace. This is the probability at particular power levels
(average power), in the following order:
1. Probability at 0.0 dB power
2. Probability at 0.01 dB power
3. Probability at 0.02 dB power
1. Probability at 49.9 dB power
2. Probability at 50.0 dB power
4 Returns a series of 5001 floating point numbers (in percent) that represent
the user-definable reference trace. This is the probability at particular
power levels (average power), in the following order:
1. Probability at 0.0 dB power
2. Probability at 0.01 dB power
3. Probability at 0.02 dB power
1. Probability at 49.9 dB power
2. Probability at 50.0 dB power