Chapter 5 387
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
History: Added revision A.05.00
License Key for Installing New Applications
:SYSTem:LKEY <‘option’>,<‘license key’>
:SYSTem:LKEY? <‘option’>
Enter the license key required for installing the specified new
application (mode) or option. The query returns a string that contains
the license key for a specified application or option that is already
installed in the instrument. The license key will also be returned if the
application is not currently in memory, but had been installed at some
previous time.
− is a string that is the 3-character designation for the
desired option. For example: BAC is the option for cdmaOne.
License key
− is a 12 character alphanumeric string given to you
with your option.
Example: SYST:LKEY ‘BAC’,’123A456B789C’
Remarks: The license key is unique to the specific option installed
in a particular instrument.
Front Panel
System, Install, License Key
Delete a License Key
:SYSTem:LKEY:DELete <‘application option’>,<‘license key’>
Allows you to delete the license key, for the selected application, from
instrument memory.
NOTE If the license key is deleted, you will be unable to reload or update the
application in instrument memory without re-entering the license key.
The license key only works with one particular instrument serial
<application> - is a string that is the same as one of the enumerated
items used in the INSTrument[:SELect] command.
<license key> - is a 12 character alphanumeric string given to you
with your application
Front Panel