
Chapter 5 223
Language Reference
CALibration Subsystem
This is used for aligning the 50 MHz amplitude reference with
and *RST:
25.00 dBm
30 to 20 dBm
Default Unit: dBm
Remarks: You must be in the Service mode to use this command.
Use INSTrument:SELect.
A valid service password needs to be entered prior to
sending this command.
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Align subsystem, Align 50 MHz
Internal 50 MHz Amplitude Reference Alignment Control
Immediately does the automatic alignment of the internal 50 MHz
amplitude reference oscillator. This command is used with the
interactive mode of the 50 MHz alignment, i.e. CAL:REF50:ENTer.
Remarks: You must be in the Service mode to use this command.
Use INSTrument:SELect.
A valid service password needs to be entered prior to
sending this command.
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Align subsystem, Align 50 MHz
Internal 50 MHz Amplitude Reference Alignment Control
Does automatic alignment of the internal 50 MHz amplitude reference
oscillator. You do this by setting an external source to
25.00 dBm and
using a power meter to measure the exact value. Then use
CAL:REF50:AMPL to input the source amplitude, measured on the
power meter. Finally, connect the source to the instrument RF INPUT
port and run the adjustment.
Remarks: You must be in the Service mode to use this command.
Use INSTrument:SELect.