364 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SERVice Subsystem
SERVice Subsystem
Provides SCPI access for the calibration manager.
Numeric values for bit patterns can be entered using decimal or
hexidecimal representations. (i.e. 0 to 32767 is equivalent to #H0 to
#H7FFF) See the SCPI Basics information about using bit patterns for
variable parameters.
Prepare Calibration Files for Access
Locks all of the calibration files for memory accesses.
Remarks: No query.
Load Default Calibration Data to NRAM
:SERVice[:PRODuction]:CALibrate:DEFault <cal_fid>
Loads the specified calibration data from EEROM to NRAM,
initializing the alignment data to the factory defaults..
Range: cal_fid, corresponds to the Calibrate file ID
Remarks: No query.
Unlock Calibration Files
Unlocks all of the calibration files.
Remarks: info
Store Calibration Data in EEROM
:SERVice[:PRODuction]:CALibrate:STORe <cal_fid>
Stores the specified calibration data into EEROM. The data will survive
power cycles and will be reloaded into NRAM on power up.
Range: cal_fid, corresponds to the calibration data file ID
Remarks: No query.