228 Chapter 5
Language Reference
DISPlay Subsystem
DISPlay Subsystem
The DISPlay controls the selection and presentation of textual,
graphical, and TRACe information. Within a DISPlay, information may
be separated into individual WINDows.
Adjacent Channel Power - View Selection
Select the adjacent channel power measurement display of bar graph or
You may want to disable the spectrum trace data part of the
measurement so you can increase the speed of the rest of the
measurement display. Use SENSe:ACP:SPECtrum:ENABle to turn on
or off the spectrum trace. (Basic and cdmaOne modes only)
Factory Preset
and *RST: Bar Graph (BGRaph)
Remarks: You must be in the Basic, cdmaOne, cdma2000,
W-CDMA (3GPP), W-CDMA (Trial & ARIB), NADC or
PDC mode to use this command. Use
INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Front Panel
ACP, View/Trace
Date and Time Display
Allows you to set the format for displaying the real-time clock. To set
the date time use :SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day>.
Factory Preset
and *RST: MDY
Remarks: This parameter is persistent, which means that it
retains the setting previously selected, even through a
power cycle.
Front Panel
System, Time/Date, Date Format MDY DMY