Chapter 5 243
Language Reference
HCOPy Subsystem
Color Hard Copy
Selects between color and monochrome mode for hard copy output. You
must set HCOP:DEV:COLOR YES before using this command.
Factory Preset
and *RST: On. This parameter is persistent, which means that it
retains the setting previously selected, even through a
power cycle.
Remarks: Revision A.04.00 and later
Front Panel
Print Setup, (select Print To:Printer), Color
Print a Hard Copy
The entire screen image is output to the printer at the parallel port.
Front Panel
Form Feed the Print Item
Sends the printer a command to form feed. No form feed will occur
unless the printer has only printed one image of a multi-image
History: Revision A.04.00 and later
Front Panel
Print Setup, (select Print To:Printer), More, Eject Page
Page Orientation
:HCOPy:PAGE:ORIentation LANDscape|PORTrait
Specifies the orientation of the print image.