388 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
Remote Message
:SYSTem:MESSage <string>
Enables remote user to send message that will appear in the Status Bar
at bottom of the instrument display. New message will overwrite any
previous message. Message will remain until removed by use of
The SYSTem:KLOCk command will lock out the front panel keys.
Example: :SYSTem:MESSage "Instrument currently in
use remotely by Ted in R+D"
Remarks: Message appears as green text against a black
background to differentiate it from internally generated
messages which appear as white text against a black
History: Added revision A.05.00
Remote Message Turned Off
Removes any system message from the Status Bar at the bottom of the
instrument display. A message can be displayed using the
:SYSTem:MESSage command.
Example: :SYSTem:MESSage:OFF
History: Added revision A.05.00
Service Password
Enables access to the service functions by means of the password.
Front Panel
System, Show System, Service Password
Returns the instrument to a set of defined conditions. This command
does not change any persistent parameters.