
Chapter 5 367
Language Reference
STATus Subsystem
Preset the Status Byte
Sets bits in most of the enable and transition registers to their default
state. It presets all the Transition Filters, Enable Registers, and the
Error/Event Queue Enable. It has no effect on Event Registers,
Error/Event QUEue, IEEE 488.2 ESE, and SRE Registers as described
in IEEE Standard 488.2-1992, IEEE Standard Codes, Formats,
Protocols and Common Commands for Use with ANSI/IEEE Std
488.1-1987. New York, NY, 1992.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Questionable Register
Questionable Condition
This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the
Questionable Condition register.
NOTE The data in this register is continuously updated and reflects the
current conditions.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Questionable Enable
:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <number>
This command determines what bits in the Questionable Event register
will set the Questionable Status Summary bit (bit3) in the Status Byte
Register. The variable <number> is the sum of the decimal values of the
bits you want to enable.
NOTE The preset condition is all bits in this enable register set to 0. To have
any Questionable Events reported to the Status Byte Register, one or
more bits need to be set to 1. It is recommended that all bits be enabled
in this register. The Status Byte Event Register should be queried after
each measurement to check the Questionable Status Summary (bit 3).
If it is equal to 1, a condition during the test may have made the test
results invalid. If it is equal to 0, this indicates that no hardware
problem or measurement problem was detected by the analyzer.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.