276 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MEASure Group of Commands
not specified or
Returns the following comma-separated scalar results:
1. FFT peak is the FFT peak amplitude.
2. FFT frequency is the FFT frequency of the peak amplitude.
3. FFT points is the Number of points in the FFT spectrum.
4. First FFT frequency is the frequency of the first FFT point of the
5. FFT spacing is the frequency spacing between the FFT points of the
6. Time domain points is the number of points in the time domain trace
used for the FFT. The number of points doubles if the data is complex
instead of real. See the time domain scaler description below.
7. First time point is the time of the first time domain point, where time
zero is the trigger event.
8. Time spacing is the time spacing between the time domain points. The
time spacing value doubles if the data is complex instead of real. See the
time domain scaler description below.
9. Time domain returns a 1 if time domain is complex (I/Q) and complex
data will be returned. It returns a 0 if the data is real. (raw ADC
samples) When this value is 1 rather than 0 (complex vs. real data), the
time domain points and the time spacing scalers both increase by a
factor of two.
10. Scan time is the total scan time of the time domain trace used for the
FFT. The total scan time = (time spacing)
Χ (time domain points − 1)
11.Current average count is the current number of data measurements
that have already been combined, in the averaging calculation.
Service mode
Returns the trace data of the log-magnitude versus time. (That is, the RF
3 Returns the I and Q trace data. It is represented by I and Q pairs (in volts)
versus time.
4 Returns spectrum trace data. That is, the trace of log-magnitude versus
frequency. (The trace is computed using a FFT.)
Service mode
Returns the averaged trace data of log-magnitude versus time. (That is, the
RF envelope.)
6 Not used.
7 Returns the averaged spectrum trace data. That is, the trace of the
averaged log-magnitude versus frequency.
8 Not used.
Service mode
Returns a trace containing the shape of the FFT window.
n Results Returned