
Chapter 5 287
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Adjacent Channel PowerAveraging Termination Control
[:SENSe]:ACP:AVERage:TCONtrol EXPonential|REPeat
Select the type of termination control used for averaging. This
determines the averaging action after the specified number of data
acquisitions (average count) is reached.
EXPonential Each successive data acquisition after the average
count is reached, is exponentially weighted and combined with the
existing average.
REPeat After reaching the average count, the averaging is reset
and a new average is started.
Factory Preset
and *RST: REPeat for basic, cdmaOne, cdma2000, W-CDMA
(3GPP), W-CDMA (Trial & Arib)
EXPonential for NADC, PDC, iDEN
Remarks: Use INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Adjacent Channel PowerType of Carrier Averaging
Selects the type of averaging to be used for the measurement of the
Factory Preset
and *RST: RMS
Remarks: You must be in Basic, cdmaOne mode to use this
command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
History: Revision A.03.00 or later, in cdmaOne revision A.04.00
Front Panel
Meas Setup, Avg Mode
Adjacent Channel PowerCarrier Channel BW
Basic, cdmaOne, iDEN mode
[:SENSe]:ACP:BANDwidth|BWIDth:INTegration <freq>
cdma2000, W-CMDA (3GPP) mode