274 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MEASure Group of Commands
Sensor Measurement
This checks the output of three sensors in the RF and IF circuitry. You
must be in the Service mode to use these commands. Use
INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
The general functionality of CONFigure, FETCh, MEASure, and READ
are described at the beginning of this section.
Front Panel
Access: With Service Mode selected,
Measure, Sensors
Measurement Results Available
n Results Returned
0 Not valid
not specified or n=1 Returns the following comma-separated scalar results:
1. IF signal amplitude is the ADC value for the detected 21.4 MHz IF
signal at the input to the analog IF.
2. Calibration Oscillator Level is a floating point number (is not
implemented, currently returns a zero).
3. RF temperature is a floating point number for the current
temperature in the RF section (in degrees Celsius).