Chapter 2 85
Programming Fundamentals
Using the Instrument Status Registers
In addition to the status byte register, the status byte group also
contains the service request enable register. This register lets you
choose which bits in the status byte register will trigger a service
Send the *SRE <number> command where <number> is the sum of the
decimal values of the bits you want to enable plus the decimal value of
bit 6. For example, assume that you want to enable bit 7 so that
whenever the standard operation status register summary bit is set to 1
it will trigger a service request. Send the command *SRE 192 (because
128 + 64). You must always add 64 (the numeric value of RQS bit 6) to
your numeric sum when you enable any bits for a service request. The
command *SRE? returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits
previously enabled with the *SRE <number> command.
The service request enable register presets to zeros (0).