Chapter 5 391
Language Reference
TRIGger Subsystem
TRIGger Subsystem
The Trigger Subsystem is used to set the controls and parameters
associated with triggering the data acquisitions. Other trigger-related
commands are found in the INITiate and ABORt subsystems.
The trigger parameters are global within the selected Mode. The
commands in the TRIGger subsystem set up the way the triggers
function, but selection of the trigger source is made from each
measurement. There is a separate trigger source command in the
SENSe:<meas> subsystem for each measurement. The equivalent front
panel keys for the parameters described in the following commands, can
be found under the
Mode Setup, Trigger key.
Automatic Trigger Control
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:AUTO:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Turns the automatic trigger function on and off. This function causes a
trigger to occur if the designated time has elapsed and no trigger
occurred. It can be used with unpredictable trigger sources, like
external or burst, to make sure a measurement is initiated even if a
trigger doesn’t occur. Use TRIGger[:SEQuence]:AUTO[:TIME] to set the
time limit.
Factory Preset
and *RST Off for cdma2000, W-CDMA (3GPP) , W-CDMA (Trial &
Front Panel
Mode Setup, Trigger, Auto Trig
Automatic Trigger Time
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:AUTO[:TIME] <time>
After the measurement is activated the instrument will take a data
acquisition immediately upon receiving a signal from the selected
trigger source. If no trigger signal is received by the end of the time
specified in this command, a data acquisition is taken anyway.
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:AUTO:STATE must be on.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 100.0 ms
Range: 1.0 ms to 1000.0 s