
Chapter 5 337
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Power vs. Timeโ€”Resolution BW
[:SENSe]:PVTime:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <freq>
Set the resolution BW. This is an advanced control that normally does
not need to be changed. Setting this to a value other than the factory
default, may cause invalid measurement results.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 500 kHz
Range: 1 kHz to 5 MHz
Default Unit: Hz
Remarks: You must be in the EDGE(w/GSM), GSM or Service
mode to use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to
set the mode.
Power vs. Timeโ€”RBW Filter Type
Select the type of resolution BW filter. This is an advanced control that
normally does not need to be changed. Setting this to a value other than
the factory default, may cause invalid measurement results.
FLATtop - a filter with a flat amplitude response, which provides the
best amplitude accuracy.
GAUSsian - a filter with Gaussian characteristics, which provides
the best pulse response.
Factory Preset
and *RST: GAUSsian
Remarks: You must be in the EDGE(w/GSM), GSM or Service
mode to use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to
set the mode.
Power vs. Timeโ€”Sweep Time
[:SENSe]:PVTime:SWEep:TIME <integer>
Set the number of slots which are used in each data acquisition. Each
slot is approximately equal to 570 ms. The measurement is made for a
small additional amount of time (about 130
ยตs) in order to view the