Chapter 5 365
Language Reference
STATus Subsystem
STATus Subsystem
The STATus subsystem controls the SCPI-defined instrument-status
reporting structures. Each status register has a set of five commands
used for querying or masking that particular register.
Numeric values for bit patterns can be entered using decimal or
hexidecimal representations. (i.e. 0 to 32767 is equivalent to #H0 to
#H7FFF) See the SCPI Basics information about using bit patterns for
variable parameters.
Operation Register
Operation Condition Query
This query returns the decimal value of the sum of the bits in the
Status Operation Condition register.
NOTE The data in this register is continuously updated and reflects the
current conditions.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Operation Enable
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle <integer>
This command determines what bits in the Operation Event register,
will set the Operation Status Summary bit (bit 7) in the Status Byte
Register. The variable <number> is the sum of the decimal values of the
bits you want to enable.
NOTE The preset condition is to have all bits in this enable register set to 0. To
have any Operation Events reported to the Status Byte Register, one or
more bits need to be set to 1.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 1
Range: 0 to 32767