
322 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Front Panel
FREQUENCY Channel, Burst Type
Digital Demod PN Offset
[:SENSe]:CHANnel:PNOFfset <integer>
Set the PN offset number for the base station being tested.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 0
Range: 0 to 511
Default Unit: None
Remarks: Global to the current mode.
You must be in the cdmaOne mode to use this
command. Use INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Front Panel
FREQUENCY Channel, PN Offset
Mode Setup, Demod, PN Offset
Time Slot number
[:SENSe]:CHANnel:SLOT <integer>
Select the slot number that you want to measure.
In GSM mode the measurement frame is divided into the eight expected
measurement timeslots.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 0 for GSM, PDC mode
1 for NADC mode
Range: 0 to 5 for PDC mode
1 to 6 for NADC mode
0 to 7 for GSM mode
Remarks: You must be in EDGE(w/GSM), GSM, NADC, PDC
mode to use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to
set the mode.