284 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
Screen File Type
Sets the default file type for the :MMEMory:STORe:SCReen command.
Factory Preset
and *RST: GIF. The file type setting is persistant. It stays at the
last user-selected setting even through a power cycle.
Default: GIF
History: Added in version A.04.00 and later
Front Panel
Print Setup, Print To File, File Type
Screen Image Background
Selects the background color of trace data windows when writing to a
NORMal background is black.
INVert background is white.
Factory Preset
and *RST: The image setting is persistant. It stays at the last
user-selected setting even through a power cycle.
Default: Invert
History: Added in version A.04.00 and later
Front Panel
Print Setup, Print To File, Image