the [ ], [ ], [ ], and [ ] buttons on the remote control or the [w],
v], [a], and [b] buttons on the control panel to move the cursor to the
desired key, and then press the [
] button to enter the alphanumeric
character. Enter figures by holding down the [Num] button on the remote
control, and pressing the numeric buttons. After inputting, press Finish on
the keyboard to confirm your input. Press Cancel on the keyboard to cancel
your input.
• Each time the CAPS key is selected and the [ ] button is pressed, it
switches between upper case and lower case.
• Each time the SYM1/2 key is selected and the [
] button is pressed, it
sets and changes the symbol keys for the section enclosed by the frame.
The following text can be entered.
Numbers 0123456789
Symbols ! # $ % & ' ( ) + - . / < = > ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~
• Except for the SSID, colons and spaces cannot be entered on the
Network menu.
• Some symbols (" * , ; [ \ ] ^) cannot be entered using the software
keyboard. Use your Web browser to enter the text.
s "Changing Settings Using a Web Browser (Web Control)" p.153
Basic Menu
Sub-menu Function
Projector Name
Displays the projector's name on the supplied EasyMP Network
Projection and EasyMP Multi PC Projection.
When editing, you can enter up to 16 single-byte alphanumeric
characters (you cannot use " *+ , / ; < = > ? [ \ ] ` |).
Web Remote
Set a password to use Web Remote. You can enter up to 8 single-
byte alphanumeric characters (* cannot be used).
Web Remote is a computer function that allows you to operate
the projector by using the Web browser on a computer
connected on a network.
s "Changing Settings Using a Web Browser (Web Control)"
Projector Key‐
When set to On, you have to enter the keyword when you try to
connect the projector to a computer via a network. As a result,
you can prevent presentations from being interrupted by
connections from other computers.
Normally this should be set to On.
s EasyMP Network Projection Operation Guide
List of Functions