
Epson Research and Development Page 101
Vancouver Design Center
Hardware Functional Specification S1D13504
Issue Date: 01/01/30 X19A-A-002-18
This register is used to control the horizontal pixel panning of screen 1 and screen 2. Each screen
can be independently panned to the left by programming its respective Pixel Panning Bits to a non-
zero value. This value represents the number of pixels panned. The maximum pan value is dependent
on the display mode as shown in the table below.
Smooth horizontal panning can be achieved by a combination of this register and the Display Start
Address register. See Section 10,
“Display Configuration”
on page 116 and S1D13504
Programming Notes and Examples, document number X19A-G-002-xx, Section 4 for details.
bits 7-4 Screen 2 Pixel Panning Bits [3:0]
Pixel panning bits for screen 2.
bits 3-0 Screen 1 Pixel Panning Bits [3:0]
Pixel panning bits for screen 1.
8.2.5 Clock Configuration Register
bit 2 MCLK Divide Select
When this bit = 1 the memory clock (MCLK) frequency is half of the input clock frequency. When
this bit = 0 the memory clock frequency is equal to the input clock frequency.
bits 1-0 PCLK Divide Select Bits [1:0]
These bits determine the amount of divide from the memory clock to generate the pixel clock (PCLK):
See Section 11.2,
“Frame Rate Calculation”
on page 120 for selection of PCLK frequency.
Pixel Panning Register
REG[18h] RW
Screen 2
Pixel Panning
Bit 3
Screen 2
Pixel Panning
Bit 2
Screen 2
Pixel Panning
Bit 1
Screen 2
Pixel Panning
Bit 0
Screen 1
Pixel Panning
Bit 3
Screen 1
Pixel Panning
Bit 2
Screen 1
Pixel Panning
Bit 1
Screen 1
Pixel Panning
Bit 0
Table 8-8: Pixel Panning Selection
Number of Bits-Per-Pixel Screen 2 Pixel Panning Bits Used
1Bits [3:0]
2Bits [2:0]
4Bits [1:0]
8Bit 0
15/16 ---
Clock Configuration Register
REG[19h] RW
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
MCLK Divide
PCLK Divide
Select Bit 1
PCLK Divide
Select Bit 0
Table 8-9: PCLK Divide Selection
PCLK Divide Select Bits [1:0] MCLK/PCLK Frequency Ratio
00 1
01 2
10 3
11 4