Epson Research and Development Page 115
Vancouver Design Center
Hardware Functional Specification S1D13504
Issue Date: 01/01/30 X19A-A-002-18
9.1 Image Buffer
The image buffer contains the formatted display data - see Section 10.1,
“Display Mode Data
on page 116.
The displayed image(s) may take up only a portion of the image buffer; the remaining area can be
used for multiple images - possibly for animation or general storage. See Section 10,
on page 116 for details on the relationship between the image buffer and the display.
9.2 Half Frame Buffer
In dual panel mode, with the half frame buffer enabled, the top of the display buffer is allocated to
the half-frame buffer. The size of the half frame buffer is a function of the panel resolution and
whether the panel is color or monochrome:
Half Frame Buffer Size (in bytes) = (panel width x panel length) * factor / 16
where factor = 4 for color panel
= 1 for monochrome panel
For example, for a 640x480 8 bpp color panel the half frame buffer size is 75K bytes. In a 512K byte
display buffer, the half-frame buffer resides from 6D400h to 7FFFFh. In a 2M byte display buffer,
the half-frame buffer resides from 1ED400h to 1FFFFFh.