Page 20 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13504 13504DCFG Configuration Program
X19A-B-008-02 Issue Date: 01/02/01
• It is assumed that the user is familiar with the S1D13504 controller and software utili-
ties. For further information on the S1D13504, refer to the S1D13504 Hardware Func-
tional Specification, document number X19A-A-002-xx, and the S1D13504
Programming Notes and Examples, document number X19A-G-002-xx.
• When configuring either the CRT or TFT panel, PCLK must be the same as the required
VESA frequency for the given VESA mode. The following VESA modes are supported:
• 13504DCFG does not support 50ns FPM-DRAM.
• 13504DCFG programs TFT panels with the same VESA timings as a CRT, so the CRT
restrictions shown in the hardware specification also apply to TFT panels. Consequently
for TFT panels, use the CRT frame rate and CRT PCLK as described above.
• For simultaneous display, select a CRT display mode from the CRT Tab, and use the
CRT frame rate for the panel’s frame rate.
• The file PANELS.CFG is a simple text file containing any supported panels. This file
can be edited and is available to 13504DCFG if stored in the same directory.
• 13504DCFG allows manual entry of values that violate the memory and LCD timings in
the S1D13504 Hardware Functional Specification, document number X19A-A-002-xx.
If this is done, unpredictable results may occur.
• Grayed out options are not available under the current configuration constraints.
• Manual changes of the registers may be changed if further configuration is done, but
notification is provided.
Resolution Frame Rate (Hz) PCLK (MHz) Supported DRAM Types
60 25.175
50ns EDO, 60ns EDO,
70ns EDO, 60ns FPM
72 31.500 50ns EDO, 60ns EDO
75 31.500 50ns EDO, 60ns EDO
85 36.000 50ns EDO
56 36.000 50ns EDO
60 40.000 50ns EDO