
Epson Research and Development Page 53
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13504
Issue Date: 01/02/01 X19A-G-002-07
WORD seRotateByteLeft(BYTE val, BYTE bits)
Description: Rotates the bits in “val” left as many times as stated in “bits”.
Parameter: val - value to rotate
bits - how many bits to rotate
Return Value: bits 15-8: non-zero if carry flag set
bits 7-0: rotated byte
WORD seRotateByteRight(BYTE val, BYTE bits)
Description: Rotates the bits in “val” right as many times as stated in “bits”.
Parameter: val - value to rotate bits - how many bits to rotate
Return Value: bits 15-8: non-zero if carry flag set
bits 7-0: rotated byte