Chapter 3 System Preparation
146 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
• Download and install the HPSS deployment tool package (http://
www4.clearlake.ibm.com/hpss/support/ToolsRepository/deploy.jsp) on
each HPSS node in /opt/hpss/tools/deploy. Run and become familiar with the lsnode tool,
which will be helpful in other steps.
To run lsnode and save the output to /var/hpss/stats/lsnode.out:
% mkdir -p /var/hpss/stats
% cd /opt/hpss/tools/deploy/bin
% lsnode > /var/hpss/stats/lsnode.out
3.2 Setup Filesystems
3.2.1 DCE
Note: The /var/dce filesystem, whether on the DCE server machine or client, must have free space available
for DCE to work properly. /var/temp can fill up due to activity like editing a large file. When this happens,
DCE is unable to create temp files for credentials and DCE processes will fail. Therefore, /var/dce should be
made separate so that it will be unaffected by other activity requiring the use of /var. It is also highly
recommended that general filesystem monitoring tools be installed on all DCE/HPSS/SFS machines to alert
administrators of full filesystems so appropriate action can be taken immediately. The /var/hpss directory
should also be a separate filesystem to protect it from being affected by the same problem or it in turn affecting
/var or /var/dce adversely.
• Configure /var/dce asa separate file system oneach HPSS server, DCE server, and SFS node
with at least 20 MB of space initially and make sure this file system is automatically
mounted at system reboot. On DCE server nodes, /var/dce should be mirrored across
separate physical disks.
To verify that the correct IP addresses (i.e., networks) are being used, on each DCE node:
% rpccp show mapping | grep string | awk -F: '{print $2}' | \
awk -F[ '{print $1}' | sort -u
• Verify that an appropriate time-synchronization mechanism is in place for all nodes in the
DCE cell.
• Add a cron job (as root) on each DCE node to periodically clean up expired credentials.
% crontab -e
and add the following line:
15 0,6,12,18 * * * /bin/rmxcred > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
• Verify on all DCE nodes that DCE is automatically started in /etc/inittab after system
• Obtain your HPSS Cell Id from IBM. Thisinformation will be needed when mkhpss is used
to configure HPSS with DCE.