
Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
424 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
s string Specify the syslog facility for the HPSS PFTPD. The syntax on the -s
option is -slocal7. The default syslog facility is LOG_DAEMON
(reference: /usr/include/sys/syslog.h). Alternatives are local0 - local7.
Incorrect specification will default back to LOG_DAEMON. To make
use of the alternates, modify /etc/syslog.conf to use the alternate
facility. Note, the file specified in the /etc/syslog.conf must exist prior
to initialization/refresh of the syslogd. No space is allowed between the
s and the facility specifier.
t Read the hpss_option DTO <value> option from the {ftpaccess} file
to obtain the default timeout in seconds. Refer to documentation on the
{ftpaccess} file for details.
u Read the hpss_option UMASK <value> option from the {ftpaccess}
file to obtain the default umask to be applied. Refer to documentation
on the {ftpaccess} file for details
v Increment the Client API Logging Specification. The Client API will
perform logging specified by the HPSS_DEBUG environment variable
in a file specified by the HPSS_DEBUGPATH environment variable
(default name is /var/hpss/ftp/adm/hpss_ftpd.log.) The default value
for the “v” option is 1. (No “v” option required.) Future
implementation may allow for increasing the value to either 2 or 3 to
obtain additional Client API information. This would be accomplished
by specifying 1 or 2v” options on the hpss_pftp startup line.
z Sleep for 15 seconds at initialization. Useful when attempting to attach
to the HPSS PFTP Daemon with the debugger.
A Enable Passive Connections. Note: Not supported in the HPSS Parallel
FTP Daemon for parallel operations. Client requests to use passive
mode will be rejected.
C Disable the ability for clients to explicitly set the Class of Service for
new files (via the “site setcos” command).
Dstring Set the {FTPBaseDir} path. Default: /var/hpss/ftp. This directory
must contain several sub-directories including: adm, bin, daemon, and
etc. Specific files/sub-directories are located in each of these
subdirectories - etc: ftpaccess, [ftpbanner], ftppasswd, ftpusers, and
[trusted_hosts]. adm: [daemon.syslog], [hpss_ftpd.log], [xferlog].
daemon: ftpd/ftp.pids-hpss_class. [ ] implies optional others are
required. etc/ftppassed is optional if the -S or -X options are specified.
Fstring Set the {FTP_FtpAccessFile}. Default: ftpaccess. Located in the
directory {FTPBaseDir}/etc.
G Read the hpss_option AMGR <string> from the ftpaccess file to
obtain the path/name of the Authentication Manager to be used. Refer
to documentation on the ftpaccess file for details.
Table 7-1 Parallel FTP Daemon Options
Option Description