
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 471
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Appendix A Glossary of Terms and
ACI Automatic Media Library Client Interface
ACL Access Control List
ACSLS Automated Cartridge System Library Software (Science Technology
ADIC Advanced Digital Information Corporation
accounting A log record message type used to log information to be used by the HPSS
Accounting process. This message type is not currently used.
aggregate A disk partition that has been modified to provide support for DFS filesets
and access control lists.
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive
alarm A log record message type used to log high-level error conditions. The
default logging policy is to log alarms and send alarms to the Storage
System Management (SSM) to be displayed in the Alarm and Event
AML Automated Media Library
AMS Archive Management Unit
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Program Interface
Archive One or more interconnected storage systems of the same architecture.
archived fileset A DFS fileset whose files are archived on HPSS but do not appear in the
HPSS name space. Users can access these files from DFS but not from