Appendix E Infrastructure Configuration Example
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 505
Release 4.5, Revision 2
GK Configurations PVL Physical Volumes
HPSS Global Configuration PVR Configurations
Storage Hierarchies 3494 Cartridges
Non-DCE Gateway Configurations 3495 Cartridges
NS Configurations AML Cartridges
NS Global Filesets Operator Cartridges
Log Client Configurations STK Cartridges
Log Daemon Configurations STK Cartridges
Logging Policies Remote Site Configurations
Location Server Policies Storage Server Configurations
Metadata Monitor Configurations Storage Classes
Migration/Purge Configurations Storage Subsystem Configuration
Subsystem Storage Class Thresho
1) Reassign files between data volumes
2) Show mapping of file names to volumes
3) Create the global files as they are allocated
Select operation (<RETURN> to cancel): 3
New file nsconfig created
Creating “nsglobalfilesets”
New file nsglobalfilesets created
Creating “logclient”
New file logclient created
Creating “logdaemon”
New file logdaemon created
Creating “logpolicy”
Root SFS server: /.:/encina/sfs/hpss
All SFS servers:
Currently selected SFS server: /.:/encina/sfs/hpss
Currently selected data volume: dataVol
Filename extension: <none>
1) Create a file (on current SFS)
2) Create all global files (on root SFS)
3) Create all files for a storage subsystem (on current SFS)
4) Empty a file (on current SFS)
5) Destroy a file (on current SFS)
6) Query a file (on current SFS)
7) List files on current SFS
8) List files on all SFS servers
9) Select root SFS server
10) Select current SFS server
11) Add an SFS to work with
12) Remove an SFS from the list
13) Select current data volume
14) Change filename extension
Select operation (<RETURN> to exit): 3
Type the number of the subsystem for which to create files [1]:
ssignment of files to data volumes on /.:/encina/sfs/hpss