Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 393
Release 4.5, Revision 2
User needs to set the Server Name and Client Name, which are case sensitive, in the AML PVR
Server Configuration panel to establish the connectivity between the HPSS software and the OS/2
controlling the robot. The Server Name is the name of the controller associated with the TCP/IP
address, as defined in the TCP/IP HOST file, and the Client Name is the name of the OS/2
administrator client as defined in the DAS configuration.
Additionally users must configure the Insert/Eject ports for the AML PVR using the configuration
files /var/hpss/etc/AML_EjectPort.conf and /var/hpss/etc/AML_InsertPort.conf. The reasons are
that the AML robot can have multiple insert and eject ports, which have the capability to handle
different media types. These two configuration files in conjunction with the AMU AMS
configuration files specify which Insert/Eject areas or bins the tapes should be placed in for
insertion into the archive and where they are ejected to when the HPSS export command is used.
Note that if multiple E/I/F bins are used for exporting cartridges, users must set the environment
variable DAS_EJECTAREAFULL=1 on the DAS Server PC by doing the following:
1. Edit the config.sys
2. Add a new line:
set DAS_EJECTAREAFULL=1 Cartridge Import and Export
When importing new cartridges into HPSS, the cartridges must be entered into the AML Insert/
Eject/Foreign (I/E/F) port before any HPSS import operations are performed. The HPSS AML
PVR moves the cartridges into the towers or shelves before importing into HPSS. Users can then
issue theHPSS cartridge import command to import the tapes into HPSS; users do notneed to issue
the dasadmin insert command prior to importing. See the ADIC AML Administrator’s Guide for
procedures to enter cartridges into the I/E/F bins. When an HPSS tape export command is issued,
the cartridges will be placed in the I/E/F ports and must be removed before issuing an HPSS
import command.
Users must configure the Insert/Eject ports for the AML PVR using the configuration files /var/
hpss/etc/AML_EjectPort.conf and /var/hpss/etc/AML_InsertPort.conf. The AML robot can have
multiple insert and eject ports, which have the capability to handle different media types. These
two configuration files in conjunction with the AMU AMS configuration files specify which Insert/
Eject areas or bins the tapes should be placed in for insertion into the archive and where they are
ejected to when the HPSS export command is used.
Cleaning cartridges are managed by the DAS software and should not be imported into the HPSS
system. Starting the DAS Server Processes
In order for the HPSS AML PVR to communicate with the AML robot, it is required that the DAS
Server process be running.
Once the DAS, TCP/IP and AML configuration have been completed, the DAS server is initialized
and started with the following steps: