Appendix G High Availability
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 537
Release 4.5, Revision 2
• Each node has two connections to the ethernet network. One is a “standby” that can take
over the IP and hardware addresses of the primary adapter in case of failure.
• There is an RS-232 serial cable connecting Node 1 and Node 2 to enable communication
even in the event that the main network fails.
G.2 Planning
G.2.1 Before You Begin
Ensure that appropriate prerequisite software is installed. See section Section HPSS Server/
Mover Machine - AIX on page 50 for specific prerequisite information.
HACMP for AIX is complex software and is the core component of a Highly Available HPSS
system. As such, the planning, installation, and configuration of an HA HPSS system should be
done by personnel with the appropriate HACMP training and should not be attempted by HPSS
administrators or operators with little HACMP background.
It is important that administrators understand the concepts presented in the HACMP for AIX
Concepts and Facilities guide. After reviewing that guide, administrators should have enough
background to begin the planning process.
G.2.2 HACMP Planning Guide
Appendix A of the HACMP for AIX Planning Guide has all the information necessary to walk an
administrator through configuration of a basic system, including a number of planning
worksheets. For an HA HPSS configuration the following worksheets would normally be used:
• TCP/IP Networks Worksheet
• TCP/IP Network Adapter Worksheet
• Serial Networks Worksheet
• Serial Network Adapter Worksheet
• Shared SCSI-2 Differential or Differential Fast/Wide Disks Worksheet (or one of the other
shared disk worksheets that matches your shared disk hardware)
• Non-Shared Volume Group Worksheet (Non-Concurrent Access)
• Shared Volume Group/Filesystem Worksheet (Non-Concurrent Access)
• Application Worksheet
• Application Server Worksheet
• Resource Group Worksheet