Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 79
Release 4.5, Revision 2
use the descriptive name “Startup Daemon (tardis)”. In addition, choose a similar convention for
CDS names (for example, /.:/hpss/hpssd_tardis).
The Startup Daemon is started by running the script /etc/rc.hpss. This script should be added to the
/etc/inittab file during the HPSS infrastructure configuration phase. However, the script should be
manually invoked after the HPSS is configured and whenever the Startup Daemon dies. It is not
generally desirable to kill the Daemon; if needed, it can be killed using the hpss.clean utility. The
Startup Daemon must be run under the root account so that it has sufficient privileges to start the
HPSS servers.
The Startup Daemon runs on every node where an HPSS server runs. For a Mover executing in the
non-DCE mode, a Startup Daemon is only required on the node on which the Mover DCE/Encina
process runs.
2.6.15 Storage System Management
SSM has three components: (1) the System Manager server, which communicates with all other
HPSS components requiring monitoring or control, (2) the Data Server, which provides the bridge
between the System Manager and the GUI, and (3) the GUI itself, which includes the Sammi
runtime environment and the set of SSM windows.
The SSM Data Server need not run on the same host as the System Manager or Sammi; however,
SSM performance will be better if all SSM components are running on the same host.
There can be only one SSM System Manager configured for an HPSS installation. The System
Manager is able to handle multiple SSM clients (on different hosts or on the same host), and it is
thus possible to have multiple SSM Data Servers connected to the same System Manager. In turn,
the Data Server is able to handle multiple SSM users (or “consoles”), so it is possible to have
multiple users running SSM via the same Data Server.
For the SSM user to be able to view the delogged messages from the SSM window, either the Log
Daemon and the SSM session must be running on the same node or the delogged messages file
must be accessible to the Sammi processes (e.g., via NFS). hpssadm Considerations
The Command Line SSM utility, hpssadm, may be executed on any AIX, Solaris, Linux, or
Windows system. It has been tested on AIX and Solaris.
Great care must be taken to secure the machine on which the Data Server executes. Only trusted,
administrative users should have accounts on this machine, and its file systems should not be
shared across the network.
2.6.16 HDM Considerations
The HDM consists of several processes that must be run on the same machine as the DFS file server
or XFS file system. DFS HDMs must also be run on the machine where the DFS aggregate resides.
The main process (hpss_hdm) is an overseer that keeps track of the other HDM processes, and
restarts them, if necessary. Event dispatchers (hpss_hdm_evt) fetch events from DFS and XFS and
assign each event to an event handler. Event handlers (hpss_hdm_han) process events by relaying